More is being asked of teachers than ever before.

We’re here to help.


What is Teacher Talk?

Teacher Talk provides mental health services designed specifically for teachers.

Our mission is to help teachers cope with work-related stress, avoid burnout, and enjoy longer, more fulfilling careers.

The Reality of Stress & Teacher Burnout

There is an unavoidable truth in schools today: our teachers are notoriously burned out, stressed, and they turn over at an alarmingly high rate.

Teaching is a challenging profession that requires passion and dedication, but can also lead to unhealthy levels of stress and anxiety as teachers invest their emotional, physical, and intellectual energy into their work.

46% of teachers report high daily stress during the school year

These stress levels compromise their health, sleep, quality of life, and teaching performance.

~500k U.S. teachers either move or leave the profession each year.

The impact extends beyond the educators. When teachers are highly stressed, students show lower levels of both social adjustment and academic performance.

The annual attrition rate for first-year teachers has increased by more than 40% over the past two decades.

Additionally, teachers who report greater burnout early in the school year have classrooms with more behavior problems.


We have come a long way in the time and attention we pay to the social and emotional learning of our students.

It’s time to do the same with our teachers.

The Teacher Talk Approach

With the right support and tools, teachers can be better equipped to have longer, more fulfilling careers and be more effective teachers for their students.

Our solution to fill this void is accessible therapy and professional development services custom-tailored specifically for teachers.

We match our licensed therapists with teachers experiencing high levels of stress, anxiety, and symptoms of burnout.

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A Safe Place to Talk

Sessions offered via secure video chat, convenient for teachers who work long hours or don’t have the time and energy to seek outside services.


We Meet You Where You’re At

There isn’t a one-size fits all approach to therapy. We use proven therapeutic practices based on your specific goals and needs.


Designed for Teachers

Teacher burnout doesn’t have to be just “part of the job.” We offer a unique space just for you so you can enjoy a longer, more fulfilling career.


We believe cost should not be a barrier to therapy.

Therapy for teachers just got a lot more accessible.

Teacher Talk has partnered with major health insurance providers to dramatically reduce the out-of-pocket costs for clients.

See if Teacher Talk accepts my insurance.

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